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Easily cancel, pause, or change frequency anytime - seriously.
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Your subscription confirmation email will include a link to your subscription portal. Tap this link to adjust, cancel, or change the frequency of your order. You can also text us for support — text AMA to 323-651-1425.
Every subscription includes 15% off and free shipping on every order. Plus exclusive access to new product releases, flavor drops, merch, special events, and more.
Yes! You can subscribe to as many products as you like, and manage each subscription individually. If you’d like to combine multiple subscriptions into a single shipment, just let us know!
We accept all major credit cards, PayPal, Shop Pay, G Pay, and Amazon Pay. Each order will be billed to your payment of choice before it ships.
You should generally receive your Feel Goods shipment within 3–7 business days after payment.
Subscribers receive special emails and texts with subscriber-only discounts, early access to new products and flavors — and much more. The longer you subscribe, the better the perks.